About Us


Welcome to A-Plus Martial Arts & Fitness! lf you're looking for a premier martial arts and

fitness school that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. look no further.

We are a family-oriented school that honors martial arts past traditions and embraces the present with modern techniques. Qur environment is upbeat and positive, where you feel like you're part of a big family, empowered, and at ease to be yourself.

We recognize that Family. Fitness and Fun are the key to a happy and healthy life and we provide the best programs in town to help you achieve that. One of our goals is to help you start your child off on the right track at an

early age, and we teach important values that help to ensure their success in school and in life.

A-Plus Taylors School is dedicated to bringing you world-class martial arts training that EMPOWERS you to

accomplish your goals. whatever they may be, and reach your full potential. We pride ourselves in having the look

and feel of a state-of-the-art facility with a genuine care and concern for your safety and well-being.

People from all walks of life train with us because they've seen immediate and long-term results in their body. mind

and spirit. All three are connected more than we realize so if there's an improvement in one, more often than not

there's an improvement in the other two, as well.

When you train at A-Plus Martial Arts & Fitness, you'll be taking part in the BEST self-improvement system in the word.

karate students holding up their trophies

• Laser-like focus and a longer attention span

• Tremendous courage and confidence

• An incredible workout and fantastic fitness habits

• Self-discipline and a "can do" attitude

• Greater respect for self and others

“Ready to unleash your inner strength? Join our dojo today!”

1724 Woodlawn Dr Suite #4. Baltimore, MD 21207

📞 443-200-2934

📨 [email protected]